my name is molly . i am many things -- a Christ follower, a student, a teacher, a reader . i'm starting to discover how to live a life of grace . i have a love-hate relationship with socks, and you will never find me without my journal . road trips and watching the sun rise are my favorite pastimes . i'm a morning person, a black coffee drinker, and an indie worship music lover [ currently still on this huge rewritten hymns kick ].

throughout the different seasons of my life, there have been so many things i have wanted to be-- writer, artist, missionary, potter, counselor, coffee shop owner-- but that's all been growing and shifting over the past few years . i've discovered that there is nothing i want more than Jesus . what i truly crave is being a grace-giver and Jesus-follower . i'm still working through what that really looks like, but my relationship with my Father permeates the entirety of my life, whether i do end up as a writer or a coffee shop owner .

i'm slowly beginning to realize that there is grace in each moment - no matter what the moment brings . grace, good gifts in the ugly-beautiful, is becoming the theme of my days . finding the grace, finding the good, and choosing to thank Christ for it is my heart's desire . and this blog, this little space of my own, is my place to do that . i write, i take pictures, i think-out-loud and share here - all toward the goal of proclaiming Christ and thanking Him for His grace .

i'm finishing up my undergrad degree, which means teaching a classroom full of 25 crazy second graders every day this semester . come december and graduation, i'll be moving to indonesia to live and work and teach (you can read about that here) . as for the long-term future ? i don't know . (but really, does anyone ? ) i do have a crazy dream to open a non-profit coffee shop one day, a coffee shop that benefits people both locally and internationally . i'd love to travel and tell people's stories, because i really think stories are powerful. in the summer of 2015, i moved to nepal for six weeks to work with tiny hands international in children's homes, trafficking prevention, and a few other areas-- and it was the most transformative summer of my life . (you can see all of my posts about nepal here)

other things you need to know about me : i don't have an epic story behind my blog name (or any story, for that matter) . i used to have a hidden talent of writing camp cheers, but i think that i was just a one-hit-wonder . army green is a staple in my wardrobe-- not on purpose, but it happens . my weaknesses are california rolls and hammocks . i make impulsive decisions (many of which involve buying sushi or iced coffee for the fifth time that week) . my hair is naturally straight, but each summer through college, i got a perm just so that i can be incredibly lazy and let my hair do its own crazy-curly-beach-hair thing . if you want to show me that you care, then listening, quality time, and coffee are my favorite things (iced coffee with caramel + cream, to be exact) . also, once i went to every coffee shop within a 30 mile radius of my house just so that i could find the best one-- but it takes a lot of work to get me to tell you which one is my favorite . i process most things externally, which means i'll either talk your ear off or write 5,000 words to work through whatever is going on in my life (which usually leads to this blog) . also, i have a minor obsession with the sky -- it's where i see the kindness and sovereignty of Jesus the clearest . 

so stick around for a bit and read about what God has been teaching me ? it'll be full of grace + growth for both of us .
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