Faithful Forever // an Update on Fundraising

Before I was accepted to go to Nepal, I remember someone asking me how I felt about fundraising & getting money for this trip. Part of me thought "ehhh, $5,000 isn't that much" and the other part of me thought "OH MY GOODNESS. I don't have a job, I have a busy semester, I can't come up with that much money!" But yet, louder than all of that, was one thought over and over. "God will provide. He is enough."

Hudson Taylor said that "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply," and oh man, that's so true. I've seen it. I knew that if God so clearly called me to spend my summer in Nepal, He'd help supply the way for me to get there. 

And He did. 
Over the past few weeks, I've met my goal and beyond.

No, let me rephrase that. It wasn't me that met the goal of $5,000. It was God who provided abundantly more than I could've imagined,and He used some incredibly generous family & friends to do it. . . . . so thank you to all who gave. Your generosity, your sacrificial giving, your love for me means more than you can know. Whether it was slipping me money at church, helping me run a fundraiser, letting me babysit your kids, or simply listening to my excitement about this trip, God used you. You're sending me to Nepal with a great sense that this is exactly where God wants me to be this summer.  You're helping to remind my blind little Israelite-like heart that He's with me in this. [And I need that reminder & affirmation, because I so quickly forget God's faithfulness when times get hard.]

I could never ever go to Nepal without your support. This summer isn't about me going to Nepal and doing epic things. No, not at all. This summer is about me joining what God is already doing in Nepal. It's about me becoming an extension of the body of Christ and taking the gospel to those who haven't heard. It's about me using what God has given me (and what you've given me) to build His kingdom. And I'm so glad you got to play a part in that!

So thank you, thank you, thank you.
Stick around, become a part of what God is going to do in Nepal this summer. I'm so expectant, so ready for something great to happen. And when it does, I'll be sure to share it here!

( image : here )
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