Here We Go.

In less than 24 hours, I'll be on a plane headed to Nepal. (Did I really just type those words? Is that really true? WHAT. No way.)

There are so many things that I want to say.
Except, I've been sitting in front of this computer for way too long & the words aren't coming.

I wish I could put words to the many emotions running through me-- the can't-finish-any-meal kind of excitement, the moments of realizing that this is really happening, the expectancy that God is going to do great things, the freaking about about packing, the knowing that this is just the very beginning of a pretty cool journey.

I wish I could find the words to thank everyone that has helped me get to this moment. (Probably in Miss America-pageant-winner style.)
I wish I could find the words to tell you about what I've already learned & how I have great expectations to learn even more.

But really, there are no words. There is no way to explain how grateful I am that this is real life and I really get to go serve Jesus in Nepal. There's no way I could ever thank everyone that has impacted me and helped get me to this trip to Nepal. There are no words for the level of excitement I'm at. (Though, if you get a phone call from me screaming "I LEAVE IN ____ HOURS," don't be too shocked. That's as close as I can get.) 

I'm so ready and so excited to be starting this crazy adventure. It's going to be hard, it's going to be challenging, it's going to be exhausting-- but it's also going to be the biggest, greatest, most exciting thing I've ever done. I can't wait to watch God work.

Consider this your invitation to keep coming back here over the coming weeks. Come back and keep reading the stories of the great things that God's going to do.
I can't wait.
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