One Week Down

We've been here one week, and already it feels like a lifetime.

We have explored Kathmandu, worshipped in Nepali church, grown closer as a team, visited three children's homes, played with street children, fed the hungry, prayed over a Buddhist stupa, moved waaaaay past my comfort zone, and have heard many people's stories.  It's been beautiful, it's been hard. 
This week put reality to the prayers I'd been praying leading up to the summer. I knew Nepal would be hard, I knew I'd be sick & tired, I was sure I'd be overwhelmed. . . But living through this is a completely different reality. Nepal is hard-- the darkness is thick and a third world country is really uncomfortable.

But at the same time, in the midst of all the darkness, I'm faced with such brilliant Light. I'm blown away. Jesus is so patient with me. He's loving as I've struggled to adjust to life in Nepal, he's patient as I've failed to listen to his voice.

Nepal has been the hardest week of my life (and some moments it's overwhelming to think that there are five more weeks coming!) but it has been the most beautiful and transformational eight days. I have changed in huge ways. I have fallen deeper in love with Jesus than ever before. I have so many stories to share of how God has worked and grown me. I have pictures to paint for you of ways that He has drawn hearts to Him. I have stories of the people that I've met and the children that I've played with that will soften your heart. 

The stories will come, eventually. Right now, I'm learning to be fully present and to let God open my eyes and teach me. I realize now that when i thought about writing about this summer, I was coming from a very western mindset. I (foolishly) pictured writing about what God is doing in a comfortable place, with plenty of rest (and therefore energy), air conditioning, wifi, and a working computer. I now have literally have none of those things-- and I love it. But writing will probably be less frequent than I hoped. There is a time for processing, and a time for sharing. And now is the time to soak in what God has for this moment in Nepal.

Today we leave for the Indian border & an elephant reserve (!!!!!). Please, please continue to pray for our team. Health & safety is not something we take for granted, especially here. We need Jesus every moment. Pray for us to stay grounded in Him and focused on others. Pray for Carly as she leads our team and works out logistics. Pray for the people that we interact with-- we want them to see Christ in us.

(Victory in Jesus)

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